Monday, September 19, 2011

Netflix Dividing Off DVD Portion - Qwikster

So, did you get the email from Netflix CEO Reed Hastings? His "apology" for the pricing structure changes and explaining the company rebranding and renaming their DVD-by-mail division. Qwikster is the new name (a little dorky if you ask me) for the DVD portion, while the streaming division will remain as Netflix. In addition, the new Qwikster will begin offering games. I wonder if they'll have the same limited offering as they do for DVDs. Mr. Hastings went on to snivel about the name change, as if his children were moving away from home.

Perhaps a case of too little, too late. Why wait several weeks to explain the path you are moving the company in? Why risk losing customers who are pissed off at all your changes? Maybe he just wants to make the Google News blow up every week with their "updates. Either way, this is hopefully a positive move for Netflix in obtaining more relevant streaming. If I wanted to watch old re-runs of bad television shows, I'd just turn on cable. OnDemand (Comcast) seems to have more current content, and that is just sad. As it is now, my 11-year old is the Netflix user in the house. Nothing like a Jaws marathon on a rainy weekend.

ThisIsMyNext on the Netflix rename.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

One Year Later...

Awesome. It has been a full year since I've actually posted anything on my blog. I'm such an AWESOME writer! Bleh. I have any number of excuses why I can't seem to keep up with my personal writing - I moved, the kids, the husband, working for clients, helping my parents. All of that is true, but it is a pile of crap as far as excuses go. I simply have stopped writing for myself.

I get caught up in the latest social networky kind of thing and end up ignoring my own personal space. Why is that? Especially since Facebook drives me absolutely nuts with its constantly changing landscape. Privacy features are added or changed about once a month it seems, and my posts usually need to be truncated or all punctuation and vowels completely removed to fit within their standard definition of a "status update." I don't WANT to make a note. I want you to post what I put down without forcing me to edit. If I wntd 2 txt tlk, Id use twttr. Okay, I wouldn't do that on Twitter either. I even gave Google+ a test run. Efficient, clean and empty Google+. How sad is that - I posted more on my Google+ than I have my own blog? Pathetic.

I have a friend on Facebook from high school. She is a funny and interesting writer. She recently started blogging, and reading her posts has inspired me to do better, do more, do something. So on this, the anniversary of my last post, I am going to make a New Blogger Year resolution. I will post on my blog with regularity. I will start sharing my thoughts and input on my geeketry. I will take time to write for me.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Technical Writing, Gadgets and Me

Most of what I've learned about computers, mobile devices, electronic and other geeky gadgetry, I've learned the hard way. I read manuals, researching or ask those who know more than me. While it gets the job done, it can be a bit of chasing your tail to get something figured out.

I've always helped my family and friends with technical problems, and I even worked as a tech support agent for an cable internet service provider. So offering advice or fixing a problem, it is a familiar thing for me. I enjoy doing it. I'm not afraid to say "I'm not sure about how to fix that.", and I'm great at researching these types of technical topics.

When I started writing, I gravitated towards that "geek" genre. I like sharing what I know to someone who needs help. I try and keep up with the latest technology and gadgetry, even though what's "new" today is an antiquity in six months. My style varies with my subject matter, and I'm as comfortable throwing down with those steeped in the latest lingo as those who still think construction when hearing a conversation about "Windows."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

In the beginning...

Since I was little, I've been fascinated with all things technical. And given how far back this goes, that's really saying something! The first computer I ever messed with was a Tandy 80 from Radio Shack. Sure, that's really dating myself, but to be fair, I was twelve. I typed in programs in Basic that I found in the back of computer magazines. Hours, upon hours, of typing so I could play Pong. We saved files to a cassette recorder. Wow, was I excited when we got a Commodore-64. These were the days before eight year old kids walked around with BlackBerrys and even the bag phone was only a sci-fi fantasy.

I cut my teeth on the technical age. I grew up through an era of 8-tracks to iPods. And I love it all. If it's shinier, faster, recently upgraded its OS or just released a new version - - I want to know about it. I enjoy writing about technology, gadgetry and overall geekdom, because I love all that it has to offer. When I started as a writer, I gravitated immediately to my passion for this subject matter. I'm the girl whose family and friends call to ask about the virus on their computer or what is a good digital camera to buy. I embrace it all with welcoming arms.

Hi. My name is Trela Raleigh; I'm a Techaholic and proud of it.